January 24, 2025 | Other Activities
Friday, (24/01) BPS Bandung City
was visited by the Faculty of Science and Technology of the Open University. On
this occasion, lecturers from the faculty were warmly welcomed by the Head of
BPS Bandung City and Team Leader of all statistical functions. The purpose of
this visit was intended to obtain information and provide an assessment of the
results of work to employees who graduated from the Open University at BPS
Bandung City and to obtain input from BPS Bandung City regarding the subjects
studied on campus, whether in accordance with the world of work at BPS. In this
activity, the Chairperson provided input and Open University alumni who became
employees were also involved, so that more input was very meaningful. It is
hoped that this discussion will bring goodness and benefits to the Open
University, especially the Faculty of Science and Technology.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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