Monday, 17/02/2025 BPS Bandung City held a morning assembly. This activity was attended by all employees of BPS Bandung City. The Head of BPS Bandung City, Samiran, acted as an Apple Supervisor delivering a mandate from the Deputy for Social Statistics.
The 2025 activities began with the September 2024 Poverty Release in mid-January. Shortly after, the SNLIK (National Survey of Financial Literacy and Inclusion) data collection as a result of BPS and OJK collaboration began on January 22. The target completion of the Financial Literacy and Inclusion Index is between February 20 to 25, 2025. In realizing this relatively fast target, appreciation to the central and regional teams and even the OJK team who have collaborated and continued to communicate to oversee accuracy and also maintain data quality such as consistency between entries, anomalies that are carried out gradually and continuously.
Sakernas contributes to 6 of the 45 key development indicators and 8 SDGs indicators. Sakernas also produces various labor-related publications. . In addition to Sakernas and SNLIK which are conducted in February, Susenas is also conducted. Susenas March 2025 is carried out with a wide sample coverage up to the district/city level, especially to measure poverty, gini ratio and others. The implementation of Susenas activities from updating to enumeration of household samples began on February 1 to February 27, 2025. Susenas is an important foundation in compiling development target indicators, which compile 11 of the 45 main development indicators and 33 SDGs indicators.
Global statistical developments are increasingly dynamic and require us to strengthen statistical databases, including through administrative data integration. KBSS continues to build administrative data through the One Data Thematic initiative. Close collaboration with relevant ministries/institutions has yielded tangible results, such as the launch of the first “Indonesian Vital Statistics Report” on October 17, 2024 and the publication of “Towards Inclusivity: Civil Registration Development in Indonesia” in December 2024. The development of Vital Statistics is mandated by Presidential Regulation No. 62 of 2019 and the agreement of Asia Pacific countries, which is our effort to integrate administrative data with the results of NIK-based BPS data collection to improve the accuracy of population data. In addition, the development of One Data on International Migration (SDMI) continues as an effort to support better international migration governance policies, in line with national and global goals. Not only that, we will also launch the Indonesian Life Table in the near future, marking a new milestone in demographic statistics.