Bandung, (25/02/2025), The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of Bandung City received a consultation visit from the Bandung City Archives and Library Office (Disarpus). This visit was a follow-up to the sectoral statistical guidance that had been carried out in 2024. The lively discussion focused on improving the quality of literacy data for the people of Bandung.
During the meeting, Titin Supriatin, S.Sos., M.Si., Acting Head of the Library Development and Reading Culture Division of the Bandung City Archives and Library Office, said that there are two main indicators that become the Main Performance Indicators (KPI) of the Head of the Bandung City Archives and Library Office, which must be calculated annually.
“The first indicator is the Index of Community Literacy Development (IPLM), which aims to measure the development of library facilities and infrastructure,” said Halawatul Iman, a Junior Expert Librarian at the Bandung City Archives and Library Office. “For 2025, the HDI data collection will be done online due to budget efficiency. As for 2026, the data collection method is still in the planning stage and will be based on the methodology study conducted this year. Previously, HDI was measured through sample surveys, but this year it will use census data from the entire population.” The second indicator discussed was the reading level of the people of Bandung. Data for this indicator was collected through a survey of 400 samples.
Vira Wahyuningrum, S.ST, M.Stat, Associate Expert Statistician at BPS Bandung City, emphasized the importance of statistical recommendations from Disarpus. “As a data producer, Disarpus is obliged to submit statistical recommendations to BPS, at least once as long as it uses the same methodology. If the methodology changes, the recommendation must be resubmitted. In addition, metadata reports are still required every year, even if the methodology does not change,” he explained.
The discussion also highlighted the importance of clear time references in the presentation of indicators. Ida Nurchaida, M.M., Junior Expert Statistician at BPS Bandung City, gave an example, “Ideally, the HDI 2025 should be based on 2024 data. If same year data is used, quarterly or semesterly indicators should be created.” In addition, BPS provided input to improve the questionnaire used in data collection. “We suggest that the questionnaire be equipped with more details and clear definitions for each question,” added Ir. Ida Nurchaida, M.M.
This visit is expected to strengthen cooperation between BPS Bandung City and Disarpus Bandung City in producing quality statistical data, especially related to community literacy.